Mastercard offers fans unique options to purchase tickets just for their cardholders. If you’re not a cardholder, find the Mastercard that’s right for you. Visit to learn more about these opportunities.
What are Mastercard Preferred Tickets?
Mastercard Preferred Tickets are a limited number of tickets set aside from general public sale for specific tours, exclusively available for purchase to Mastercard cardholders.
How do Mastercard cardholders benefit from presale tickets?
Mastercard cardholders have exclusive access to presales in specific markets.
Do I need a specific card to complete my purchase of Mastercard Preferred Tickets?
If you’re unable to unlock tickets or receive an error at checkout, your card type may not be eligible for this benefit. To find the required card type, select your tickets from the event page and view the ticket details.
For additional questions, please contact Mastercard's customer support.